Her Balancing Act: Quinlan O'Connor Book 3 Read online

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  “I don’t want the tawse, I’m a little afraid of it.” She gave him a look of indecision.

  “It isn’t my plan, but if you step out of line just a little today on this Spencer situation, I’ll take it out on your rear end.”

  “I understand, sir.” She changed the subject as though she had just processed what he’d said earlier. “The sheriff’s department, what is your meeting about? I miss them, the sheriff’s office. I kind of like the sheriff’s department better now that we have seen what you working as a policeman is like, you know?”

  Quinn leaned over to kiss Cheyenne. “Yep. I know what you mean. The two departments don’t seem to communicate well. That is what this meeting is about, cooperation. Remember to stay out of trouble, Cheyenne.” He chuckled as he walked out the kitchen door and Cheyenne returned to her breakfast, shaking her head. He called her by name and left off piscín. Her husband was serious.

  Later that morning, Cheyenne called the bank and left a message to pull the deposits for the last quarter. Normally, she would just go by what the bookkeeper and the ranch records showed, but she was checking every number at least twice. The service rep who called back told her that all statements or information needed to go through the branch manager and further informed her that only Chuck and Jason could review the records. She thanked the woman on the phone and hung up only to pick up the phone again to call Martin and Shelby.

  Cheyenne quickly got the new signature cards signed by the bookkeeper, Martin, and herself. Cheyenne felt a little deceitful, but she didn’t actually go to the ranch as the bookkeeper was in town and Martin came in to sign at the bank. That meant she kept her word and didn’t go anywhere near the ranch.

  It took a little convincing that there was no need for the other two men to be on the signature cards but she was able to explain to Martin that if she was to have total control until she figured out the dilemma, then he needed to trust her. Besides, Martin wasn’t even on the signature cards anymore. Even odder, he didn’t remember signing any new signature cards or agreeing to be taken off. When Cheyenne asked the representative, she was unable to say more than it appeared that when the previous cards were signed, it was after Margaret Spencer died.

  The new cards were signed, and they replaced the old signature cards while Cheyenne demanded to wait in the bank until they updated their system. After fifteen minutes, she was told the bank system needed to update overnight. Since it did make sense, she told the woman who was helping her that she’d be back the next day to see that it had been done. She knew she was much more paranoid than she had ever been before but she needed very tight controls to figure out this dilemma. It was that thought that really worried her. The signature cards were another area of concern pointing to the fact that she absolutely knew these accounts weren’t right, but she hadn’t one shred of concrete evidence.

  She decided to keep further information from the men in her family. It wouldn’t go over well if they knew she was not only working on the books to fix the problem but some investigative digging into who might be doing it. She hoped she wouldn’t come to regret that decision, but she saw no other way to find the underlying cause of this except to dig deeper. This mystery pulled her in like a fine drug and addicting her to this case. She was enticed, but her husband would have another word for it. Her stomach tightened in anticipation and worry.

  At dinner, Quinn and Cheyenne had a full conversation about what was going on at the Spencer place.

  “So, I can’t find why there are duplicate bills and why there are duplicate payments going out to different businesses. For example, three feed bills; cost is the same, for the same supplies at the same time. The last bookkeeper paid the bills, but she did it electronically. I called the feed companies during one of the triple billed months. I asked for the charges and bills, and only one had a bill. The others didn’t show a sale made, a bill sent or money received. And they have to research these transfers at the bank because the withdrawals were made several years ago.”

  “Hmm. It does sound like something is off. Did you talk to the managers of the feed places?”

  “Yeah, they have no idea what I’m talking about and don’t sound concerned. I talked to the businesses about someone possibly taking a receipt book. You know, like they use to write up the sale. They agreed it could happen because they didn’t have accountability for the sales books. And why would you? Something is wrong. I just can’t find the link; the reason things aren’t right or where the money went. I don’t know where it was sent to, and Martin Spencer didn’t have a program to computer generate checks for his accounts payable, they wrote them by hand so no help there. I have to wait for the research to see copies of the checks. I have created new access to the accounts electronically for recent and new activity. Besides, oddly enough, they electronically paid these bills, when they didn’t do that for any others.” They got up to clear the dinner table.

  “Maybe they are the only ones accepting electronic payments.”

  “Nope, almost all of their vendor bills can be paid that way.” She put the dishes in the sink to be taken care of later.

  “Okay, well, you go carefully, and I need you to tell me how things are going with this accounting mess. If you at all feel like it is a problem, you tell me. I mean it.” He drew her to the sofa.

  “I will. Now, what was your meeting about?”

  He watched her a moment longer before deciding it was all they could do for now. “The meeting was between the police department and the sheriff’s department. They are not playing nice in the sandbox and stopping each other from doing a good job. They need to stop hindering the other, so I have been asked to be the liaison between the two. Like the playground monitor to make sure they play nice.” Cheyenne giggled at the comparison.

  “Is it because you have experience in both departments and playground monitoring?”

  “That and because I’m the only one who has not shown a prejudice for one or the other. No one knows I play in another type of playground, minx.”

  She smiled. “So who will pay for this position?” She moved over to lean against him.

  He drew her in and kissed her temple. “The two departments are paying it, divided equally.”

  “I hope it works but what are you going to do exactly?”

  “Well, that is what I’m working on tonight. Sorry, honey. They gave me some guidelines and suggestions, but I’m supposed to work on my own idea of what it will look like this week and submit it for another meeting next week.”

  Cheyenne perked up. He couldn’t be mad if she worked on the Spencer account while he worked on his proposal. “Oh, no problem, I’ll just work on my stuff while you do yours.”

  Quinn chuckled. “You do find ways to get the better of me, don’t you? Okay, we had better get it done, then.” He kissed her again. He stood and pulled her up for another kiss before pulling her to their office.

  It was late, and Cheyenne was even more intrigued that ever. Whatever was wrong was just outside of her reach, she just knew it. Because she had not been there when the numbers were input, it was harder to decipher some things. It was just plain easier if the numbers were placed there by her because the numbers would never be completely cold. When she had to take everything at face value with another person’s work, the numbers were all unfamiliar. She leaned back and stretched.

  “Cheyenne, put this away. I’m tired, and you’re exhausted, baby. You run your bath, and I’ll close up for the night. I’m off the next few days and won’t even be working on the ranch. I’ll be all yours. I can make you very glad you put all this down now.” He smiled, “Very glad.” Quinlan’s face showed expectation and undisclosed surprises that awaited them if Cheyenne were to comply.

  “Quinlan O’Connor, are you trying to entice me with irreverent and suggestive offerings?”

  “Oh, piscín, you have no idea how irreverent my thoughts about you are right now.” His hands slid over her breasts and gently massaged.

��Mmm, piscín huh? How can you think of playing tonight?”

  “Not a scene really, just satisfying my woman the way she likes it.”

  “The last time this happened there was an accident with you falling down the basement steps and me praying you would come out of your coma. Can’t you just come up with me?”

  He leaned in and kissed her. “Don’t worry. I have nothing to do down here but lock up.”

  She gave him a speculative stare then decided he was right. “I can’t wait. Don’t forget to come right up.”

  Quinn leaned down and with slow, erotic intent, kissed Cheyenne as though he was making love. Quinn let out a desperate growl of need and Cheyenne groaned with the loss of his lips as he rose to leave the room. Cheyenne began to put her things away when one entry caught her eye. I’ll just check this one thing and then put it away. Unfortunately, as she found one entry that didn’t make sense, she found another one that connected to it.

  Not sure what she was seeing, she went back and began to look at the other businesses under the Spencer Brand. One of which she had trouble with before. It was the ones labeled ‘Lend a Hand.’ This appeared to be a small group of investors similar to the one that helped Martin get on his feet when he started the Spencer Spread. He appeared to be giving back to the ranching and farming community by being an investor.

  Several of his father’s friends helped to finance the seed money for what was now a multi-million dollar incorporated ranch. One of the businesses Martin had made sure to start up and contribute to, was an investment group for people like he once was. The recipients didn’t need to be in ranching, but they needed to have a good idea, good sound common sense, a viable business plan and the know how to get it up and running.

  Martin spent generous amounts of time every month to review the requests and then to talk about those requests with the investor group who then decided along with him if the effort was worth funding. Those lucky enough to get the financing, would then enter into an agreement, sign a contract and after a reasonable amount of lead and set up time, begin to pay the loans back. Unfortunately, he spent no time looking at the repayments. Now she was really curious.

  Cheyenne was writing down what she was going to have to ask for when she was bodily lifted from her chair.



  “Cheyenne, you are done.”


  “Uh, uh, not a word, young lady, you are to march right up the stairs and to the tub, now.”


  “No, you have already had the chance to clean it up. You leave it here. I want my wife to myself now. And you have earned yourself a spanking. You can save yourself if you get up now.”


  “Cheyenne, I have plans for tonight that I want to explore with you but if you say anything but ‘yes sir’ I’m going to start the whole evening with a paddle and your butt.”

  Quinn had that intense tone that said it all. Quinn had practiced in the earlier days to get the tone just right. He knew he was a dominant from his early preadolescent years, maybe even earlier. It communicated I’m aching for you, frustrated about the wait, anticipate the goodies we will play with, and last but not least, you will do as you are told. Amazing how a few words and a specific tone could do so much.

  Cheyenne looked as though she was going to beg for more time, but the look on Quinlan’s face, combined with the tone just used, elicited the required, “Yes, sir.”

  Little did she know that her tone and response told Quinn that she was submitting to him, that she longed for him as well, but that she was tired.

  “Up the stairs, piscín, and I’m going to bathe you before I lie you down in our bed and make you ready for me.” Quinn chastised and yet comforted her as they walked through the house and up the stairs.

  “I’m a little tired.”

  “You are a lot tired, and I aim to relax you and make you take a break. This last client is doing what I thought it would. It is too much.” He saw the protest erupting from her lips. “And if you dare to deny it, I swear I’ll take you downstairs and get much more intense.”

  “You baby me too much. I’m stronger than you think.” Her voice petulant like the child she was beginning to feel like.

  “No, I often give into you too much, but you have to get some rest. You don’t know when to stop. So it’s my job to help you see when you are too tired, and it’s time to take a break. It’s a lesson I intend to make sure you learn and the sooner, the better. For now…” He walked her upstairs and to the bedroom, “we will focus on your needs, piscín, which will meet my own needs. I’m not saying you can’t work; I’m saying not for a few days while you get rested.”

  He slowly began his seduction with the stripping of her clothing and the dipping of her luscious body into the scented water. The water was already run by Quinn when he went upstairs to find his wife was not there. The bubbles called Cheyenne, and she did not resist when he slid her into the hot, fragrant water. She could feel her whole being to relax as he picked up the loofah and began to wash her body slowly, methodically, missing nothing. Her libido was rising making her moan her need, and he chuckled seductively.

  “Out of the tub, my sweet, now that you are nice and clean, it is time to play.”


  Cheyenne woke the next morning with an immediate start because she was still in bed and so was her creative and sexy husband. Almost as the thoughts ran through her head, the accompanying assurance that Quinn was off for the next few days gave Cheyenne the idea to wake her husband in his favorite way. She was achy when she moved, the position she had held last night leaving her with the delicious reminder of their bondage play as she gently ran her hands down his chest.

  Her teasing breath crept down his lean hard belly as she followed her hands with her mouth, kissing and licking the ripples of his muscles. Quinn answered her invitation with one of his own and soon the kissing was abandoned for more intimate activities. No words were needed as they touched and explored each other’s body in a mutual pilgrimage to the promised land.

  Quinn allowed her equal footing when it felt right and this morning is was oh so right thought Cheyenne. Not everything was set in stone in their relationship, and she loved the way he gave her the space she needed to touch him and taste him when she needed it. As the lovemaking became intense, he finally flipped her over to complete her from behind. Cheyenne loved that he knew she needed him to possess her at the end. He did not disappoint. All thought was lost as he sought her cervix, as though it were the finish line.

  Lying on her back, Cheyenne allowed Quinn to roll her into him on her side in a cuddle. Just as she was about to give into sleep once again, she realized they had only used protection the first time last night. That had been three times ago. Unable to short-circuit her automatic response, she slammed her hand into her dozing husband’s chest hard and was about to do it again when he responded through still closed eyes.

  “Cheyenne, I would not recommend you do that again.” The statement was made quietly, too quietly. Dangerously quiet and she prided herself on being one smart woman. Her husband was not one to repeat himself often and so instead of invoking his wrath by hitting him again, Cheyenne tried to roll over, but he would not have any of it.

  “Don’t move. Look up here and tell me what you want me to know. You’re upset, and I cannot for the life of me figure out why, but you’re going to tell me, not hit me.”

  “Oh, I get it, you can slap my butt all you want, but I can’t hit back.”

  “Oh, baby, you have no idea how I would like to slap your ass right now, but I know you’re upset about something. So out with it now before I have to use my own methods for getting to the bottom of the problem.”

  “Cute, real cute.”


  “Right, okay. We did not use any protection. You know I won’t use the depo because of Katie and can’t use the pill because of side effects. I don’t want to
be like everyone else and get pregnant just because I married an O’Connor man. I want to wait, I want to have a life, I want…” Cheyenne began to cry. “I want to have you to myself for a while.”

  Quinn gathered his beautiful lady into his arms. “Oh, baby, you don’t have to worry about our time together. We’ll always be able to have plenty of time together.”

  “No, that isn’t true. Look at Jocelyn. she’s surrounded by kids and house needs, and just everything. Then there's Katie. They haven’t gone anywhere at all since little KC was born. And your sisters don’t do anything without their children.”

  “Oh, honey, that’s because they chose that path. Do you think Kelli, when she has kids will be wrapped up in her children and not have other things in her life to keep her occupied?” She shook her head and sighed. “Ciarán has tried to get Katie out, but she’s choosing to stay home. Caoimhe and Alesha are like Jocelyn in that they are just kid obsessed, but you’re different. You’re a lot like Mom in that you will have your children but you will have plenty of other things that you want to do. Like Mom, you’ll be able to do them all. Also like all the men in our family, I do and will continue to adore my wife after our children are born. I won’t expect you to give up what you love in sacrifice to having a family. You, my love, can and will be able to have it all.”

  “I’m so afraid it won’t work that way,” she whispered, tears still streaming down her face. Now, she tried to cuddle in rather than roll away.

  Her big muscled cowboy cop who could intimidate anyone who got in his way gently lifted her tear stained face with his index finger. He kissed her tears away with slow deliberation.

  “I can’t promise that you’ll be able to do all you believe you will still want to do. However, I promise that if you desire to do it, I’ll work to make that happen even after our children are born.” He kissed her salty lips gently, sitting up against the headboard, drawing her into his embrace tighter. “What I can also promise you is if you ever smack me without speaking to me first, it will get you a smoked bottom. Are we at an understanding?” He brought his lips to tenderly kiss her worries away and his assurances in. “I love you, Cheyenne.”