Her Balancing Act: Quinlan O'Connor Book 3 Read online

Page 6

  “Year one, post Mrs. Spencer was perfect. I need to input the information to electronic records. I think I’ll just scan the reports already finished for the quarter, and the first year in a folder so we have it to access easier, then I’ll be back sometime next week. The rest of this week, I have other work to do.” Cheyenne knew that while this was a puzzle and she loved them, she needed to complete her work for her other clients.

  She tried to enlist Shelby in helping her trace each sales slip and each payment with the bank statement that appeared questionable but that woman stuck by her stance of staying out of things so Cheyenne was on her own. It was tedious work, and Cheyenne needed to take breaks often. She had nothing left to do until the last week of the month so she planned her days around Quinn’s hoping he never saw her working too much. Driving home, she passed the station and decided to stop and see her husband. Just as she was to walk into the station, Quinn was walking out.

  “Hey, hon, what are you doing here?” Quickly his smile faded as he recognized the soft rock music marathon in her earbuds. Her own mix meant she was twisted in knots. “You’re okay, right? Nothing’s wrong?” He reached for her as he began giving her a once over.

  “Nope.” She smiled. “I’m fine. I just never visit you at work, and as I was passing, I thought I would. I also wondered if you were getting off on time because,” she lifted her eyebrows, “I thought we might have dinner and then,” she looked around before continuing, “have a little recreation, to you know, lower my stress levels.”

  A slow seductive smile spread across his face as he pulled her closer to him. He bent his head to speak just above her lips. “I would love a little diversion. I’m off in a couple of hours so you go home and throw something easy together. I don’t want my playmate to be tired before we have some fun.” With a kiss, he sent her on her way.

  She threw the chicken in a marinade and ran upstairs for a shower. She was glad she could enjoy some toy time with her husband because it would lower her stress as she stated but it would also buy her more time with Quinn. He would not think she was too wrapped up in the new client books if she was giving him some loving on a regular basis. She knew she should feel some guilt at using sex for space, but it was only a bi-product.

  She needed to be with Quinn as it had been some days since they had made love. It had been several weeks since they scened and if she knew her husband, he was devising tortuous ways to make her beg to orgasm. She was excited and felt her lady bits get slippery. She would do some of her own scheming to get what she wanted. She knew it was technically topping from the bottom, but she was so ready to pay the consequences if he called her on it.

  Over dinner, they discussed the private club they were collaborating to build outside of Bozeman. They recalled the meeting, several weeks ago, when the group had come down to review the plans and their timeline, their women had arrived with them. Jacquie Blakely, her friend and former assistant when she had her office in Sheridan with many more clients to appease, called it an “intimate” club but her Dom husband, Ace, grunted his disagreement.

  Jacquie giggled when she explained. “It’s because his legal mind is too unimaginative to accept anything but black and white information. He’s no fun.” Ace had swatted his wife’s butt playfully. Cheyenne liked calling it a private club better and joined the others in teasing Jacquie.

  Finally, Cheyenne gave in and said, “It’s a private club for intimate activities.”

  Jacquie clapped her hands together and squealed, “That’s it. Perfect.” Sue, the submissive to friends, Josh and Carter agreed. From then on the full explanation of what they were building was settled, for the women, anyway. The men had appeared indulgent. That visit had been fun.

  Cheyenne passed Quinn the green beans. “It’ll be so nice to have a place to just enjoy our friends when they are all settled in their new positions and homes.” Quinn had been putting in extra time to make sure the foundational work was thorough so the club had as few issues as possible given it would still be a private pleasure club. That plus ranching and his cop job, she knew he was feeling the strain even if he loved each aspect of his life.

  “Did you say that Ashley and Richard are engaged now and will be looking at a move soon? According to Ace, Richard is running his own Cattle Auction now,” said Quinn.

  “Yep, he’s going to set the business and living arrangements up before Ashley comes. As a ranger, being in the same Forest Service district works out well. She just goes to another office. The actual transfer was a few pieces of paper.”

  “Of course, Carter and Sue have moved. Josh has moved but is keeping his place at The Sting because he’s still part manager and owner for a few more months during the transition.”

  “Right. When is Lars going to start working on the build?” asked Cheyenne.

  “Soon I think. He has another project to finish so it will be a month or two.” He took a bite of chicken. “I hear he has his hands full topping Maggie these days. I don’t know how long that will last but by all accounts, they are doing well. Lars told me last time we spoke that the standard routine is Maggie tries to be naughty, he reddens her butt, and then they settle down for the weekend. She always did like a good paddling.” Quinn shook his head when he said it. He lifted his eyes and saw Cheyenne was not taking the information the way he meant it, as simple conversation. She quickly looked down at her plate.

  “Piscín, look at me. Listen, I only topped her when I verified her experience on her application at The Sting. I often did to see if the information came close to the truth of what people wrote as their experience. If she had a dom, I would never have done it, putting the responsibility on him. However, she joined alone. Many applicants think being more experienced will help them. It didn’t. I had no sexual relations, ever, when I checked the experience level. And I didn’t paddle her when we were practicing the fire play or wax play before our wedding.”

  “Okay,” she said unconvincingly.

  He reached over to lift her chin. “I don’t want to have you questioning me every time I mention Maggie. Lars has become a good friend, and I think he might eventually become a club member with us, but regardless, right now he’s topping Maggie, and it may soon move out of the club and into a permanent relationship.”

  “That’s fine, so long as she keeps her talons out of my husband.”

  Sliding his finger along her jaw line, he looked into her eyes. “Believe in me. You only need to trust that I’ll always do what is right for us, and cheating won’t ever be good for our relationship. Understand?”

  “Yes, but she’s so pretty, and lots of people believe sex while topping is not the same thing as cheating.”

  “But I do. I never had sex with anyone I wasn’t serious about having a relationship with. I didn’t want a baby by accident or any hurt feelings. Besides, you know how particular I am about who and when I was with a submissive. I wouldn’t even want to top another woman—only you. You’re my only love, my whole life, muirnín. But in the same breath, I want to tell you that it doesn’t say much about our relationship if I’m telling you to trust me at this point.”

  “I just have moments, you know?”

  “If you’re insecure, it isn’t trust you need but confidence that we’re good together. If you keep this up, I’m changing my tactic. I won’t reassure you in words, but I’ll be spanking your ass to a beautiful rosy hue to remind you that not believing you are an incredibly hot woman who is perfect for me is not going to work. I have every confidence that you will change your attitude soon enough.”

  Cheyenne wiggled at his words. “I know, I’m being silly, and you’re right. I’m honestly good with this.”

  “No, you’re not, silly. I like that you can get jealous, I just don’t want you to be because there’s no basis for it. And if either of us can’t communicate with the other, we have to fix that.”

  She shrugged and gave a rueful smile. “I’ll work on it.”

  “I can help with that. Now
, let’s go play.”

  Quinn helped with clean up before leading Cheyenne to the bookshelf-faced door and down the stairs to his own personal playground.


  He placed her on the bed he had put in the playroom that week and gently removed her clothing. As he removed each piece of clothing, he replaced the cloth with his lips, kissing the exposed skin as he worked his way from her temple and tee shirt to her socks and toes. Raising her sensitivity to touch was something he enjoyed doing, but it must be slow, intense, deliberate. He ran his fingertips slowly down her jawline, following his finger with a trail of kisses. His hot breath brought a wiggle he loved.

  “You are so beautiful, piscín. How did I ever live without you?”

  She moaned and her eyes closed. He touched her nipples and watched as she lifted her body to him and her nips responded eagerly, bringing them to tight peaks that enticed him to draw them into his mouth. She moved her hands into his hair and while he might love control in the bedroom, he adored when she put her hands on him to feel his lust for her. He sucked gently at first then more intently as he massaged the other nipple, changing breasts to give equal time.

  She pulled back as if the sensations were too much and then followed with his tongue, teasing the pink tips. Progressing slowly, led by his finger and tongue, he dipped into her navel and onto her hips. Her sharp intake of breath nearly unmanned him as his cock ran, hard and proud over her thighs and touched her pussy.

  He ran his hands gently over her hip bones and outlined their seductive concave and flair before his exploration brought him to her neatly trimmed mons. Her thigh muscles tremored as he pushed them further apart to feel the heat and inhale the heady scent of her arousal. He placed his face over her mons, and she tried to push him away from her treasures, but he was not to be deterred.

  “No, baby, let me taste you, love you. Put your hands up to the headboard. You know how this works.”

  “Please, can’t I put my hands in your hair? I love the feel of it when you love me.”

  “Play it my way, a lómhara, and I’ll make it good for you or do you need a spanking to help you obey?”

  She hesitated and then she raised her hands above her head to the metal lattice in the headboard design. He loved how she wasn’t automatically submissive. He pulled her outer labia lips apart and his hot breath flowed over her wetness causing her sudden intake of breath. The shallowness of her breathing told him he was having an effect on her, and that was having an effect on him. She whimpered as he ran his tongue along the seam of her sex and he felt her tightened muscles announce her response at the invasion.

  Trying to pull back the control to his loving, Cheyenne’s hands flew to the sides of his face and as a reward she heard and felt the room echo with his hard slap on her thigh bringing with it a warning sting. She cried out but removed her hands and replaced them on the head of the bed frame.

  Cheyenne stiffened again, resisting her release to his lovemaking. His sweet sub was highly stressed tonight. He allowed his mind to calculate the causes as he prepared her for the silk cords. He would help her relax. She loved the bindings and shibari as much as he did. He wouldn’t do a full binding, but some arm and leg binding would be freeing and maybe a clit knot. He would start and see where the evening took them. He had been known to bind, unbind, and bind again in a night.

  He was aware that, as always, she wanted to carry too much too quickly, too close together. As he spread her on the specially equipped bed, he had her restrained before she knew it, binding her upper arms and legs to her midriff further confining her ability to move.

  Next, moving slowly as he kissed and licked every inch of her body he reached down to gather another braid of silk to bind her calf and ankle to first one foot-post and then the other. He kissed up her inner thigh to then kiss down the other, careful not to touch her sexy core no matter how much it was calling to him.

  He suckled her breasts, reveling in her whimpers and thoughts of his incredible wife who did things to him with just her presence. She exemplified sensuality. She wanted to be her own woman, run her own business, and make all her own choices and he wanted her to accomplish all she desired, but tonight her stress level was still too high, muscles still rigid. Even now with the precisely tied ropes stealing her ability to move freely, she was stiff. Stubborn woman.

  He knew he could remove the stress by taking her choices away. She offered her breasts for him to love again, arching her back and he wanted to suckle them but knew he had to ramp up her libido. She needed to feel the sting before she could enjoy the caress so he spanked first one tantalizing breast and then the other, massaging in the sting. Her eyes were closed as she whined her disappointment. He knew she wanted it ramped up, but unless he could heighten her desire and lessen her need to control, she would not be able to enjoy their lovemaking as much. She needed to release control as much as he needed to have it for their mutual enjoyment. He hit the remote and slow sweet country music came on, his own sensual mix playing low in the background for his baby’s relaxation.

  “Hold on, mo milis, I’ve got you. Feel my hands love you.” He massaged her nips, pulling and taunting but not kissing them again. She pouted as he continued to remove her options to control the play, forcing her to take what he offered. She gyrated her pelvis, attempting contact, but he slapped her labia and felt the slippery flow of her arousal. He could smell the sweet muskiness of her erotic perfume.

  “Please, please…” she begged. He knew she wanted him to finish her off, but he was nowhere close to granting her relief.

  “What, piscín. What do you want?”

  “More, please, I need more.”

  He ran his finger through her channel but only whispered past her clit. He was not ready to address that bundle of nerves. Tears slid from her eyes to flow into her hair in reaction to her aching need. She was trying too hard and frustrated when she wasn’t ramping up as fast as she thought she needed. He turned on the cued music he saved for times such as this. She would fall into the music as he teased and loved on her. It would help her forget the bindings in the physical state.

  She tried to wiggle and reach out her hand, but she was bound. He wanted her to fall into this feeling so he decided to give her some control so he placed his body where he could give her a taste of his cock. She latched on like a starving babe. He unbound her ankles and then quickly removed her mouth from his cock after only a few moments of the pure ecstasy, tucking it back inside his jeans. He groaned with the loss. He moved back from her hungry mouth and rolled her over to deliver two resounding slaps to her rounded globes.

  He had done a good job in distracting her. She had been so caught up in his ministrations, even though it was just a few moments, that she missed the changes, just as he planned. Quinn moved just out of her reach.

  “Please, I want more of you.” Her whine was so damn cute.

  “No,” he warned, nipping her neck from behind, “Lay there, don’t move, or I’ll have to re-bind you. You are my aphrodisiac and tonight, I don’t want you to service me. Don’t take my pleasure away or I’ll have to spank you.”

  She groaned in arousal. “Oh, please, I want that.” His chuckle was deep. “You are my cailín dána tonight, aren’t you? This is my pleasure to grant or withhold.” She tried to maneuver her body to a more advantageous spot. “No, hush now.” He slapped her thigh. She sighed.

  He turned her head and latched onto her lips taking her as hungrily as she had him. She returned the kiss, becoming more savage in her responses and he met that need with his own. He rolled her back over to nudge her mouth open and push his tongue through her barrier. He loved her scent and taste. Toffee creamed coffee coated her mouth, and he tasted its goodness as he tangled with her tongue.

  “What is troubling you, lómhara?” he asked as he reached for her nude body, feeling his cock jump with anticipation.

  She shook her head, attempting to reach for him but was thwarted by the silk bindings. “Nothing, I just h
ave a lot to work on right now.”

  “Give it to me. Give me your worry, let it go.” She nodded and mewed as he caressed her thighs.

  He could feel her relax, and he watched as her heated responses began to become slightly agitated. He decided to be merciful, giving her the first release. He loved watching her as he kissed and licked his way steadily from her reddened, bruised lips to her clitoris, fiery and protruding from its hood.

  Small gasps escaped her as she writhed in her limited available movement. A sheen of perspiration showed on her rosy, flushed skin. Her breathing was shallow and quicker, and her movements held a sense of urgency as he teased a little longer.

  “Lay still, baby, let me love you,” he said, his voice hoarse with his own need.

  He smiled as he pushed her limits in slow, insistent waves of contact.

  He pulled open her labia to fully expose his playground and sucked her clit into his mouth. He ran his teeth over the sensitive skin and firmly wrapped his tongue around the nerves of her nubbin. It took only moments to give her release. Just as her skin was hot and flushed and her body experienced small tremors, he rammed two fingers inside her vagina, pressing against that little spongy spot, further taking her controlled responses away. Scissoring his fingers, he reached up and tweaked her breast hard.

  Her eyes flew open, and her mouth formed an elongated “O” as she released a guttural sound, lifting her bottom off the bed, stiffening her whole body. Damn, his cock throbbed with heat, the pressure almost painful.

  He lapped at her flooded sex to help her ride out every single shiver of the orgasm. When he was satisfied that he had wrung out all there was, he kissed her lips as she lay limp, eyes closed once again. He quickly shucked his jeans and briefs and released her bindings. She was at his mercy now even without the bindings. Her mental resistance had long released. After a small break, that he filled with caressing and gaining the personal restraint he needed before he blew too soon, he knew she'd be ready to go.