Her Balancing Act: Quinlan O'Connor Book 3 Read online

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  After the officer had completed his interview, Parker came out to see if Chase had arrived and drew the guys aside as he offered the women to go check on Kelli. Cheyenne seemed hesitant, but her sisters were not going to slow the progression to Cheyenne’s pace so she was swept along but Quinlan noticed.


  Walking into the room, Kelli’s eyes landed on Cheyenne’s confirming her worst fears. Something in Kelli’s face said this incident was not an accident as they all thought; everyone that is except the two of them. Cheyenne told Kelli she was taking her home, and the invitation was extended to Parker as well. She said the men agreed, and the women wanted her near them.

  “Lord, if anyone looked in from outside who didn’t know us, they would think we were some cult or commune or co-op sometimes,” observed Katie.

  “Well, I was here first, so I guess we would be the leaders. Liam would love that; the leader part, not the cult part.” Jocelyn added, “And do not bring it up because that would put Liam into another crusade to make us normal. I just finished a round of that with the kids and school. If I have to battle one more time to keep the little ones out of public school, I’ll scream. Public high school is all I can deal with.” Jocelyn scanned the room pinning each woman separately with her eyes. “And I expect you all to back me up.”

  “I’m sure we can fend him off for a few more years, Jocelyn,” reassured Kelli. Cheyenne shook her head with mischief in her eyes and added, “Well, I can’t help there, but the statement that we are normal is so bogus, we are better than normal, we are O’Connors. It’s the world around us that gets rocky, we are pretty stable.”

  “Which is why we are bringing you in Kelli, the men need control, and we need peace. You have the power of all that in your hands right now,” added Katie.

  Kelli groaned and said, “Fine, I’ll take one for the team.” Cheyenne knew Kelli was relieved as she had that jittery, frightened quality about her.

  Liam stood in the doorway and looked at his wife. “Has someone been scheming against their husband, Jocelyn O’Connor?”

  “Where did you come from? Never mind. Come on, we need to go home.” As Jocelyn walked past Liam, he leaned in to whisper something in her ear as his arm came around her protectively.

  “What? You know, Liam, that is just not fair. I didn’t say a thing. Honestly.”

  Kelli stage whispered, “Do you think she’s going to get spanked?”

  Cheyenne and Katie spoke in unison, “Oh, yeah.”

  “Well,” added Katie, “unless she can talk her way out of it or flip it to the good kind. Who would figure anyone could talk Liam out of anything, but she and Bailey can. It’s the darnedest thing.”

  Everyone laughed, but Cheyenne and Kelli who knew this was a safety issue. If things did not settle down, more butts would be singed. Katie left once Ciarán checked for himself that she was okay. Cheyenne stayed a few moments longer.

  “Kelli, what is going on here? I heard the story, and while I don’t need details right now, I know it was no accident. Maybe we should tell the men. I just don’t feel safe right now and besides, I’ll be on maintenance for life if I don’t say something soon.”

  “I know, Cheyenne, but I’m okay. You just have a day or two more, and I’m so ready to prosecute the hell out of them. And you aren’t on maintenance.”

  “Yet. I’m not on maintenance yet. I feel the same about holding on just a bit longer and how terrible is that? Talk about safety, health, and for me, following the rules of not keeping secrets, that is all blown to hell. We’re putting ourselves at risk, and while I’m the risk taker, I like to do it alone. Bringing you into it is just not right. I have to pull you out of this somehow.”

  “Too late. If they, whoever they are, have connected me, there is no time to disconnect me. I’m sure they’re worried about me being part of this for a few reasons, legally and operationally connected. Besides, I’m not deserting you. If you outed me, you would be outing yourself.”

  Cheyenne’s shoulders sagged. “Okay. Let’s get this done then. I’ll go grab your stuff, and when the men leave the house, we’ll finish this. If I play my cards right, then Quinn will just chalk this all up to how stressed the Spencer account made me and let it go.”

  Kelli nodded, and the commitment was made the dye cast. Now I need to just end it. Cheyenne left the room as the nurse came in to give Kelli routine blood tests and her discharge orders. Cheyenne passed Parker going back in.

  The next morning, Cheyenne could not believe her luck. Jason Spencer had a new girlfriend, and he was gone all the time, evidently. It took some of the stress off being on Spencer’s ranch. She had hit true pay dirt on the answers, and she was excited to end all of this.

  She had gone back over all the records and found that she was not wrong. She could track every payment made by the borrowers and every actual repayment received by the lenders. Then she tallied the stolen money and was astonished how much it was. The last accountant had doctored these books so well that Cheyenne had to dig to uncover the scheme and prove it. Why it was done, she might never know, but finishing this was enough for her own satisfaction. Now she needed to present this information to Mr. Spencer and let him decide if he wanted the police involved to find the person or persons responsible. Then she needed to go home and spill her guts.

  Later that day she explained it all to Kelli.

  “But what about the last piece of the puzzle? Who was actually the mastermind?”

  “I don’t positively know. Maybe Jason and Chuck, but I’ll leave that to Martin Spencer, Quinlan, and Parker to decide. I’m so done with this.”

  “So when do you go talk to Martin Spencer?”

  “I don’t know that yet either because I had to leave him two messages. His son Jason has a girlfriend and evidently they all went out and spent the day together. I left a note on Shelby’s desk and a message for Chuck, but I guess everyone was out of pocket today.”

  “Is that normal?” asked Kelli.

  “Who knows? I don’t usually try to contact everyone on the same day. Now, let’s get you ready to go home.”

  Relieved, Cheyenne completed the last file and prepared to meet Martin Spencer. In some ways, she thought it was unfortunate that her time had run out because she could find out the culprit, but it had. Quinn was home the rest of this week, and there was no way she could hide things any longer.

  The next morning, as she helped Kelli gather her things to go home, Cheyenne explained. “You are going to have to talk to Parker, and so I want you to know that I’ll also come clean on everything to Quinn. The only thing is we have to do it on the same day, and preferably the same time. You just tell me if you want me to tell Quinn today or tomorrow. If it is today, I’ll tell Quinn first before I talk to Martin, if tomorrow, I’ll tell Martin first.”

  “Well, I go back to work tomorrow for half days, and while I think he might go easier if I told him today, I want to settle back into life again before I do. Parker works tomorrow so how about after work tomorrow, I’ll tell him? He doesn’t get off until later. He has the second shift.”

  “Good enough. I’m telling Quinn in the morning that I have finalized the paperwork and am going to meet with Martin for the last time on this account. I’ll turn in all the books.”

  The next morning, Cheyenne was all smiles and her husband noticed.

  “And to what do I owe the appearance of my wife instead of her evil twin?”

  She laughed. “Evil is a bit harsh, don’t you think?”

  He reached over and made love to her mouth. “Just needed to make sure this wasn’t a dream. I have missed you, piscín.” He tried to pull her back onto the bed, but she scooted out.

  “Sorry, but today is the last day, and I want to get it done. I’m calling Martin to arrange a meeting time.”

  “That makes this a great day as far as I’m concerned. We’re going to discuss how all this played out, beag amhain, and since we haven’t been able to find out anything, I’m happ
y to end your connection to it all. When do you think you will be done?”

  She grinned saucily. “I’m not sure but in time to cook you an impressive dinner if you promise entertainment.”

  “You’re on. I have a full day, but I’ll be in for dinner by six.” He swatted at her bottom as she turned towards the bathroom.

  She squealed and giggled. “It’s a date.”

  She was proud of herself that she was telling most of the truth. She was ending her association today. She just left out some of the filler, but that would come later tonight. She felt she should forego some things because it was not advantageous to the story before she was through. Certainly, there would be no benefit to her bottom.

  This final morning, when she called Martin Spencer about a meeting, she got the message from Mr. Spencer that his son, Jason, had saved his money and was taking his new girl on a very exotic vacation. He stated that Jason wanted to propose to her properly and while Martin was envisioning grandchildren, Cheyenne smelled a rat. Will this never end?

  “Do you have an accountant to take over?”

  “Oh, yes. I do, and I was going to meet with them this afternoon at one. Can we do all of it then?”

  “Well, I had hoped to be done by early afternoon, but that’s fine. I’ll be there at one.”

  Cheyenne couldn’t stop her mind from thinking about that vacation that Jason was going on. She knew that it was too much to have been saved from his paycheck. Jason was a spender and saving was not a concept he embraced. Unfortunately, she did not have access to his bank accounts, but she did know what was deposited as pay. She could only speculate where funds came from.

  She’d have to leave that part to Mr. Spencer. Racing home to get the last of her notes and the rest of the accounting, she was stopped by her husband with fury in his eyes. Cheyenne took a deep breath and repeated the mantra she had been reassuring herself with for over a week. “Almost done, just one more week.” Today, she added, “Almost done, just one more day.”

  Then she pasted on a smile and acted as innocent as she could, “Honey, you look angry. What happened?” Then she held her breath.

  “Where have you been?” demanded Quinlan.

  “I told you, I need to return everything, and that is what I’m doing. Have you seen my office is empty now? This is my last run.”

  “It’s taking longer than it should have, Cheyenne.” Some of his anger was dissipating turning to irritation.

  “I’m sorry. I guess I just wanted to leave things all ready for the replacement. I just have this last load and the final meeting with Mr. Spencer and the new accountant. See there really is a replacement. Then I’m all yours.” Her tongue fished out of her mouth to lick her lips.

  Quinn grunted as he leaned down to take over where her tongue had just swept past nervous lips. He knew it was a nervous gesture but one that she usually used when they played. Something was up, again or still, but he would let her go for now. He’d watch to see if things had settled down by tonight and if not, well then he would address it, in true dom fashion. Giving her a final kiss and hearing her groan satisfied his need for now. She would be ready for him tonight, and he was so ready for her.

  It had been a few nights since they had made love and he wanted to discuss settling things down now. No more new accounts, maybe ever. Running his hands over her curves and feeling himself tighten prompted the swat on her butt and his own groan.

  “Got to go, baby, so we can’t but we’ll finish this later,” promised Quinn. Cheyenne took a swift breath and slowly let it out. As he continued to walk towards the door, he demanded, “Get this done, Cheyenne. I’m missing too much with my wife. I’m working on the ranch today so you may not see or hear me until dinner around six unless something comes up.”

  She nodded. “I haven’t heard anything so I guess Kelli going home worked out fine. The only change was she would go back part-time tomorrow instead of today. Chase wouldn’t allow her back today.” Too much testosterone, she thought. At least Kelli promised Cheyenne she would tell Parker everything tonight.

  “Life will be back to normal by this evening, I promise,” said Cheyenne walking toward the door with her husband.

  Grabbing that last remnant of Spencer’s paperwork and report copies from her office, she felt the relief and excitement bubble up. She had made a copy of all the files and evidence she had for someone embezzling from Spencer in case he wanted the police or sheriff’s department to continue to work on it.

  Forgoing lunch in favor of getting it all done in time to cook dinner, she hopped into the car, quickly driving off toward Spencer’s Spread and her finish line. After weeks of forcing food and small snatches of sleep, she might even be hungry tonight and get a full night’s sleep. She smiled, maybe.

  Chapter Ten

  Quinn walked up to the house after a long but fulfilling day on the ranch working with the horses and getting in some training with his rescue dog. They were going to have to retire old Gent, the department’s aging canine this year and he wanted to be ready for that changing of the guard.

  Tonight was the first night he and Cheyenne would be able to relax and enjoy being home. It would be just the two of them since he started swings and Kelli had the accident. Quinlan loved his sister but having her there for most of a week was plenty. He knew she was more ready to go home than he had been to see her home, especially since Parker had not stayed overnight at the ranch with her.

  He still thought something was up with that accident, but Kelli wasn’t budging on the reflection off the side of the mountain explanation thereby causing a momentary blindness and the accident. He did believe it even if he didn’t seem able to accept its reasonable possibility. He knew his sister and her logic was impeccable if not always in active mode.

  She mentioned she lost control, and he had the car checked out. The steering fluid was gone so it might have everything to do with her lack of ability to steer. There did not seem to be a leak however nor a puddle on the scene. Could it have been drained? It wasn’t bone dry but pretty empty. Parker said he checked her car every three months without fail, and he believed him.

  Cheyenne and Kelli were acting a bit strange in addition to the accident, but he figured it was due to that crazy Spencer accounting, and he was glad it was over, bringing Quinn back to the fact that there was still no Cheyenne at home. Checking the clock for the time, six o’clock, he picked up the phone to call Cheyenne’s cell that went directly to voice mail. He shook his head. She must have forgotten to charge it again. He’d have to talk to her about that.

  Maybe she stopped at Kelli’s to check on her and following that thought, he called his sister who answered on the first ring.

  “I’m fine, brother, quit worrying.”

  Quinn laughed. “So happy to hear that but I actually wanted to talk to Cheyenne.”

  “Cheyenne? I haven’t seen her all day. Did you try her cell?”

  Quinn sobered some as he heard apprehension in Kelli’s voice.

  “Yes, but it went straight to voicemail. She must have not charged it.”

  “Mmm, I suppose that could have happened, but she’s usually a fanatic about that after… um… you know.”

  “After I addressed the issue?”

  “Yeah, that.”

  Quinn chuckled again and then fell silent when he began to wonder where his wife could have gone.

  “Quinn, have you called the Spencer place and talked to old man Spencer?”

  “That was my next call. I can see her SUV is not at Liam’s place. Ciarán had his horse conference this week. Katherine took KC and left this morning for some grandparent time in Sheridan.” Quinlan fell silent, and Kelli broke in.

  “Well, call over to Spencer’s. I’m sure she’s just delayed, trying to leave Spencer with plenty of information. Call me when you find her. Don’t forget.” Quinn didn’t miss the apprehension in Kelli’s voice. Dammit, something was going on, and he would figure it out as soon as he got hold of his wife.

  “Kelli, is there something you’re not telling me that I need to know?”

  “Of course not, just call Spencer and call me back.”

  “Right. I hope you are telling me the truth.”

  “Oh, just call,” she grumbled.

  Quinn put in a call to Martin Spencer.

  “Hello, this is Martin.”

  “Sir, I’m Quinlan O’Connor, Cheyenne O’Connor’s husband.”

  “Yes, how are you? Bet you’re glad to have your wife back.”

  “Well, yes, sir, but that is actually why I’m calling.”


  “Yeah, well, she isn’t home yet, and I wondered if she was still there with you by any chance.”

  “Not home yet? How can that be? She left here at least an hour ago, must have been between four and five. It was closer to five but not too close. She said she needed to get home by five to get dinner started and be there before you for once. We laughed about it.”

  “Well, sir, she isn’t home yet, and no one has seen her. I’m about to drive the road between here and there.”

  “Martin, call me Martin. Did you try her cell phone?”

  “Went to voice mail and it didn’t ring first then go to the message so it must be off.”

  “Well, she had a call from someone just before she left. Listen, Cheyenne is a great accountant, and I wish I could keep her on.”

  “Well, sir, Martin, it honestly was too much for her to do. There was a lot of mix-up, I understand, and she was hip deep in the quagmire. It affected her sleep and her moods, to say the least.”

  “Well, I’d love her back, is… hey, Quinn, can you hold on? I have a call from someone, could be about your Cheyenne.”

  When Martin came back on the line, his voice was shaky. Quinn’s chest seized in fear.

  “That was from the sheriff’s department in Cotton County.” Martin took a deep, shaky breath and blew it out. “Chuck Wyman, my ranch manager, is dead. Trampled to death by the herd of cattle he had just bought on my behalf, it seems.”