Her Balancing Act: Quinlan O'Connor Book 3 Read online

Page 15

  “Parker, you’re angry. You shouldn’t belt me when you’re upset.”

  “Sweetheart, I’m disappointed in you not angry. I’m upset that someone violated Quinn and Cheyenne’s home, but I’m disappointed in your lack of caring.” There was silence and then the tears began to fall.

  He continued as he rolled the belt buckle in his hand and swung to solidly hit his mark.

  “You should not work at making Quinn’s life harder when trying to keep his wife safe.”

  After about six swings of the belt, he could hear her break. It was a sweet, sweet sound. He had gotten through.

  “I can assure you that she’s getting her hide tanned tonight as well.”

  Kelli’s cries had taken on a tortured quality that he knew didn’t only have to do with her tortured bottom. Her heart was hurting. On he went, but slower and more deliberate.

  “Quinn isn’t like your other brothers. You know he’s into harder core things, like protocol. He’s not just a domestic discipline and maintenance spankings kind of guy. He is much more than the others, who aren’t into all that.”

  “I know,” Kelli blubbered. “He uses implements to spank her, and he’s hard.”

  Parker continued with lagging interest. “I’m more of the safety and welfare kind of guy, but I’m considering at least the maintenance aspect because you’re always in some sort of damn trouble.”

  Parker laid the belt down and rubbed her bottom giving her that caressing hand he knew she was looking for, and he was ready to give. Her bottom was cherry red but never more than that. He had gotten her sit spots and her upper thighs, though, and he knew she would be hurting to sit the next day at work, at least sore for a workday. He smiled when he thought of what his brother and dad would say the next morning as she gingerly sat.

  “I’m sorry for today, Parker. I’m sorry I didn’t use better judgment, and I promise not to help Cheyenne do the wrong thing next time. Can we please be done? I really hurt.”

  Parker rubbed her bottom a few more minutes, and Kelli seemed to know enough about spanking that she needed to wait him out.

  “Four more and then I’ll let you up.”

  Kelli groaned but didn’t try to stop him. Parker put some starch in the last swats, using only his hand. Then he sat her up on his lap, enjoying the grimace as her bottom scratched across his work jeans.

  “Kelli, I’m serious about the maintenance spankings. Friday night before we go to bed, your butt and my hand are going to have an over the knee meeting.”

  “Parker, no.”

  “Hush. We are, and I hope your behavior improves because if it doesn’t, we will go to daily spankings. I think this will be enough incentive for you to mind your p’s and q’s. If the week was good, I’ll make it a good spanking, if it wasn’t, well, you know what those are like,” he said as he patted her thigh. “Now get up and go take a shower while I finish things up out here. I’ll be up shortly.”

  Kissing the love of his life and cursing the O’Connor penchant for marrying and producing spicy women, he stood to lock up the house for the night. He was going to need to keep on his toes and change up the game plan as needed. It was trying at times but well worth having this woman rock his world, and making him happier than he had ever been. Tonight, however, he planned to rock her world.

  Chapter Eight

  “Okay, so you have decided not to do that crazy trap. Thank goodness,” sighed Kelli.

  “Actually, I’d already started the process to create a micro-investing acquisition group. Then Martin talked to the other members of the co-op, and I was able to set up several bogus loans, and repayment account with the Co-op.” Cheyenne smiled her accomplishment.

  “Okay, so you are still doing it. Shoot. I just don’t get why you don’t need more time for all of this to work.”

  “No, because, thanks to Martin’s group, I’ll be able to see what they do with my pretend payments. It will be real money, just not an actual loan. We’re doing our business with the local branch because I’m sure the problem is happening locally by someone and besides that is where Martin’s accounts are.”

  “It seems too easy?”

  “No, it really is that easy. I had all the information and so was able to match everything. The origination account that the payment comes out of is my personal bank so nothing crazy can go on with that.

  “They mix the money before skimming, I’m almost sure of it and then distribute to investors. Because if they combine the money in one account, it will appear with the same dollar amount as it should and then whatever happens at that point, I’ll be able to absolutely trace. Normally you wouldn’t look at the pooling account because you expect it to be accurate but I really can’t be sure because some payments could legitimately be short.” She took a long draw off her cola and cocked her head towards Kelli to see if she lost her in the numbers route.

  “Go on, I might not be an accountant with a masters in whatever it is, but I can add and subtract. Hey, wait I have a question. Why didn’t you just have the transactions researched?”

  Cheyenne laughed. “Accounting degree, it’s an MSA, and then I got a CPA. I did order research but this way because I wanted to make sure that everyone involved was caught not just one. Besides, research takes a while for these old sums. Evidently, this bank sends stuff to archives after six months, so we have been waiting for it to come back. I like the idea of having the proof with all the guilty parties. Oh, and we have already figured out the feed store billing.”

  “Oh, so who did that?”

  “Well, for the Circle C, it was the bookkeeper. He said that he got the idea from the manager at the Spencer Spread. They would get the merchandise from one business and duplicate the bill from two other stores. This guy only knew about his store, and he was fired. Evidently, Liam chose not to press charges because he never paid the bill but other ranchers might because some did pay it. The other store involved had a clerk who did it. Quinn relaxed some when he saw it wasn’t part of what was going on with me.”

  “Thank goodness.”

  Cheyenne shrugged. “Yeah, I think Quinn is of the mind that what I’m talking about is just a lot of smoke. Good for now. Anyway, I have such limited time that if I could just show simple in and out, recent theft, the proof will be self-evident.”

  “Could they be laundering money?” asked Kelli.

  “Nah. You would do it differently. The amounts would be the same in and out, just dirty in and clean out.”

  Kelli spoke pragmatically. “Cheyenne, you know we’re going to get found out eventually, right? I mean just the trip out of town will take the morning.”

  “Me, Kelli, not you and don’t worry. Besides, now it will be a fast trip instead of all morning. I already spoke to Quinn about maybe working together. I can’t tell him everything because he would shut me down, but if we are working together on the big stuff, then I don’t think the risk is as high. And to be honest, I’m spooked about the stuff too.”

  “Well, of course you are. You might be married to Quinn, but that doesn’t mean you don’t get scared.”

  “Yeah, well, Quinn is working tomorrow in the morning training his horse and rescue dog, in the evening, he’s at the department. I don’t have you identified anywhere, and if we’re smart and careful, then we’ll be able to get the paperwork for the auto payment set up, and this whole thing finished in enough time to avoid any trouble. Besides, it’s my own money being used for the payments. I didn’t want the investors to actually use their own money.”

  “And you are sure this will work?”

  “Not sure about anything, really, but it does make logical sense. I transferred funds into all the right accounts, including the bogus loan account. So far, you can trace things easily. The repayment is actually coming from my false business account but in my own bank. That is why we need to go to Missoula. They have a branch of my bank there. I don’t want to do it online. I want to ask questions. There is no crime in that.”

�Aren’t you worried Quinlan will think you still went behind his back?”

  “Maybe, but he did say I could do what I did best and numbers is what I do best.”

  Kelli moaned. “Yeah, but if our men find out, I think a jail cell might be a safe place for us.”

  “Me, Kelli because I’ll disavow you were ever involved.”

  “Ha, so I get to be just the driver. And using 1960s television terminology and 1960s husbands. Too bad you didn’t go further to the 50s because Donna Reed never got into this type of trouble.”

  “Yeah, but Lucy did.”

  “You know,” Kelli looked around to see if they were overheard before continuing. “changing the subject slightly, Parker learned Quinn is into discipline and maintenance spankings. Now he’s going to do the maintenance ones hoping to keep me on the straight and narrow. Whatever happened to the man who let me get away with murder?”

  “He fell in love, silly. I have a love-hate relationship with those spankings. I love them when I have had a good week, but when I have had a bad one, not only do I get slammed when Quinn finds out, but it is part of the weekly maintenance. Hallelujah, we don’t have those right now, and I can’t tell you how thankful I am about that.”

  “Yeah, thanks, but I don’t think Parker has any thoughts of an ending date right now.”

  “Hmm, guess you better get used to them or find that path to obedience fast.”

  “For Parker, I just have to stay safe and healthy. You, my dear, have all sorts of requirements.”

  The women continued to work out their scheme for catching the person or persons embezzling. The plan was rolling out just as they had hoped. They knew they only had three weeks because while Quinn’s first deadline ended in five more days, she really had until Quinn was home during the day, which was first few days of next month. Now that she asked for his help, the time restriction might be off altogether.

  The next morning found the women walking out of the bank with a purpose. However, Cheyenne was nervous. She and Kelli silently climbed in Kelli’s car and drove home. Each lost in their own thoughts most of the way. As they were approaching the ranch, Kelli finally broke the silence.

  “Are we going to be able to do this? I’m having a bad feeling about this, Cheyenne. I mean usually I’m up for the adventure, but this is real.

  “I know, but we’re almost there. I’m using my trust fund for this little adventure so I’m very careful. I won’t be able to explain this away if I lose my shirt.”

  “I think we’d better step out.”

  “It’s too late for that, but I don’t feel good about it either. The plan is good, the rest, I just have to know Quinn is working from the other side of the issue. Maybe he will get there before something happens.”

  “What about telling Quinlan about all of this part of the plan? I mean it is his job, maintaining the law?”

  “I don’t think I can tell him this. He won’t agree, and it’s going to be too late.”

  “He’ll be ending his swing shift rotation right about the time the funds should be coming in and how are you going to be able to finish following long enough to catch the problem? I mean, you’ll be able to see that the repayment is different on the new loan account than it was in Spencer’s account, but how will you be able to track it all after the first of the month? You won’t have any proof or not enough of it to prosecute. There will be no repetition of the act after this one try unless everyone involved agrees. I know it sounds odd coming from me, but I think you should tell Quinn. They are the police. It is their job to follow stuff like that.”

  “For one, only big police forces can do that. Second, the funds don’t have to repeat more than one time. I have a good chance of catching the transfers because we have everyone on the co-op watching now. I’m forwarding those bogus loan payments I’m setting up, staggered, starting next week. I can have three payments, one per week. The real repayments are only insurance, and we got lucky. Quinn’s shift starts on the thirtieth so he needs to finish that last shift into the next month. There are about twenty expected payments between now and then. That means I have just enough time, if I hurry, to see the result. I just might need you to keep him occupied while I shift through the payments and show the embezzlement. The rest will be up to Quinn.”

  “Well, I hope you’re as good as they say you are because you’re on to the live performance stage of this production, no more dress rehearsals. I don’t want to feel Parker’s punishing hand again anytime soon. I’ve actually gotten used to good spankings, and I don’t wish to experience any more of the naughty ones. It’s amazing how he went from nothing to spanking pro so quickly.”

  “Mmm. Not the only thing I’ll feel if things don’t work out right.” Cheyenne absently rubbed her bottom and felt the tingle on her nipples and in her core. She wondered if she should get rid of the tawse, just in case.


  It was exactly two weeks after the very real processing of loan payments and making payments on her bogus loan. The co-op had agreed not to touch the money as it hit their lending account to keep the transfers clean. It had been three weeks since joining the co-op with her seed money. Cheyenne anxiously awaited the funds to come in and prove her theory of skimming before the final distribution into a bogus, intercepting third account was right. She was touchier, and Kelli was circling carefully, waiting for Cheyenne to call her in for the distractions.

  “Kelli, what is the matter with you these days?”

  “Nothing. Do I always have to be perky?” she snapped.

  Parker stopped dressing and looked at her hard. “No, but if you’re up to something you had better spill it now. So tell me what is going on.”

  She shook her head. “Nothing really, we just have more work than normal lately, and maybe I’m too distracted.” Too late, she thought about the excuse she used because Chase would certainly tell him that things were no more or less busy than normal.

  There were similar difficulties at Cheyenne and Quinn’s place.

  Quinn walked in the door and smelled a favorite meal of his, pepper steak drawing him to the kitchen. “Hey, something smells good.” He looked around at the empty kitchen.

  Thinking Cheyenne had gone into the other room to do something quick, he got himself a drink and waited for her to return. He turned the steaks. He finished the salad. He checked the rice. He cleaned the kitchen.

  “Hey, something smells good,” yelled Cheyenne towards the kitchen from her office.

  “It does, doesn’t it?”

  “Wow, this smells delicious. I’m sorry I didn’t make dinner. You should have told me it was time for me to cook. I was working on the Emerald Isle’s books. You worked a long day today but man, this is incredible.” She reached up and kissed him. “And I know you are going to think this is crazy, but I was just thinking this morning that I wanted pepper steak.”

  “Yep must be the same wavelength.” Quinn shook his confused head and sent her to bed early. For once, she did not complain.

  The next morning, he was still concerned. “Are you feeling okay, honey?” Quinn asked as he put down his coffee cup and pushed away the morning paper.


  “You didn’t eat breakfast, maybe you need to eat.”

  “I’m not hungry.”

  “Did you get enough sleep? Don’t think I don’t know you got up around midnight and stayed up late last night.”

  “I could always use more, I guess. But I’m fine.”

  “Got a lot going on? Too much work on your plate or commitments?”

  “No, look, why the twenty questions? I’m fine.”

  “Well, partly because you seem grumpy and distracted. Last night’s dinner being a perfect example.”

  “Really? What do you mean? Because you cooked and I didn’t?” Her tone was accusatory.

  “Nope, because you started dinner and forgot about it cooking, which is why I finished it.”

  “What are you talking about?”

Just what I said, you are too distracted.”

  Cheyenne walked to the kitchen counter and filled a glass with water, taking a drink but not responding.

  “Well, just stay home today. Catch up on your sleep. Relax.”

  Cheyenne slammed her hard plastic glass on the counter. “Just stop and leave me alone. I’m not a child. I have things to do.”

  “All right, point taken. But you’re cranky, and a bit mean.” He softened his tone. “Do you need your daddy?”

  “No, I don’t. I might not need my husband either at this rate.” Stomping past him, she was snagged at her waist by her own strong arm of the law.

  He drew her into him. “Okay, then maybe we just need a good, old fashioned spanking session to set you right.” He lifted her and flipped her over his knee.

  “Are you freaking kidding me? Let me up, Quinn.”

  She continued to rant at him as he swatted her linen covered butt. After a few moments with no slowing of her complaining in sight, he got a call that was from work. He stopped mid smack.

  “Don’t go anywhere, young lady. We are not finished with our conversation.” He walked towards his office.

  As he entered the room, the front door slammed shut. Before he could get to the porch, she was in her car and pulling out of the drive. The vixen had driven off, kicking up rocks and dirt in her efforts to get away quickly.

  Quinn thought about going after her and then he stopped. Something was bothering her, and he wasn’t going to get it out of her the tried and true way. He was missing something, and when Quinn was missing something, it took over his whole thought process. He knew it had to do with the Spencer account. He just didn’t know enough about accounting or about what she was doing with those accounts to know what it was. He would just have to have another conversation with Martin Spencer.