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Her Balancing Act: Quinlan O'Connor Book 3 Page 14

  “Sheriff should be here any time now. I went ahead and called Parker. He’s off-duty, but I knew that he would want to know socially when Kelli was involved. A peripheral part, but a piece nonetheless,” Quinn clarified.

  “Parker was out at his own place, talking plans with Chase so he could take a little bit longer to get here. I’m sure he’ll stop and get Kelli.”

  Quinlan then nodded at his brothers and indicating somebody should start filling in the blanks for him. Ciarán did the honors. The sheriff was arriving just at the end of the story and just in time to see the O’Connor characteristic running of their hands through their hair times two. The sheriff chuckled because he had seen it many times before and knew that this particular nonverbal gesture communicated more than most people communicated verbally.

  While the sheriff took Quinlan and Cheyenne off to the side to ask questions that were more specific and then to lead them down the hall so he could check out the office for himself, Liam and Ciarán gave a call to their wives just to check in on everything. When something like that happened on the ranch, it made everyone just a little bit more nervous. This wasn’t pilfering a cow, which would have been bad enough; but it was messing with their family.

  Parker and Kelli drove up in his truck, and before he could get out the door, Kelli had leaped from her side of the truck and was racing up the steps, calling for Cheyenne.

  “Excuse me for a moment, please,” said Cheyenne as she turned toward her sister’s voice.

  Just as Cheyenne was going to answer her, Kelli spied her down the hallway and made determined steps towards her. Quinlan knew his sister just needed to be sure that Cheyenne was okay, so he stepped back as she grabbed onto Cheyenne and gave her a big hug. Cheyenne looked like Kelli was squeezing the breath out of her.

  “I’m okay, really, I’m okay. Let go, please. I can’t breathe.”

  Kelli laughed. “Sorry, I just couldn’t believe something happened, and I had just been with you. Parker said this was here when you got back so that means somebody was here when we were gone, and if we didn't go… what could have happened to you? I’m so glad that we went into town so you weren’t here.”

  Shane snagged Kelli because Parker was talking with the sheriff and kissed her on top of the head much as he had Cheyenne and said, “Shush, now. You’re overexcited and in talk overdrive, babe.”

  She took a deep breath and nodded her head.

  “She’s okay, Kelli. We’ll figure this out just as we always do. Trust us to do what is right. Parker is one of us now so you know that he’s going to know everything we know these days, and can be part of anything that we do. I know you’ve wanted to separate out from us, live your own life, but, sweetheart, you’re a piece that we need to function. No matter how hard you try to tell yourself it’s what you want, you’re never going to be able to completely separate, and I don’t think you want to. I believe that it’s your defense mechanism so no one ever hurts you but life isn’t like that, mhuirnín.” He hugged her again, keeping her close as he continued.

  “You know there are ups and downs, and we get burned. Sometimes it seems like we’re being incinerated but we O’Connors know how to bounce back. We’ll get through this just like we’ve gone through everything else and will come out on the other side on our feet stronger than ever.” Kissing his sister’s temple again, he turned her into the direction of Cheyenne who was sitting back in the living room in the corner of the sofa. He sent her down the hall with a strong, solid swat to her bottom that tingled and burned.

  “Hey, what was that about?”

  “You broke the rules earlier, and you made it possible for Cheyenne to break the rules. Rules put in place to keep her safe.”

  “They’re stupid rules, Shane.”

  “Well, I know that you know sometimes we do what we have to when we can see no other immediate solutions.” Looking sternly at his sister he continued. “I’m sure this isn’t the last you are going to hear or feel displeasure about this.” Shane shrugged, “I just got mine in first.”

  He grunted a laugh and turned away.

  Cheyenne and Kelli sat on the couch while the men in the house talked, strategized, took apart, put together, and every other way dissected the whole situation until they were satisfied they had missed nothing. Then as though they had solved the world’s mysteries, shook each other’s hand, slapped each other on the back, grabbed up their coats and hats, signaling for Kelli to accompany them out the door, leaving Cheyenne and Quinn finally alone.


  “Hey, baby girl, come sit next to me, we have some things we really need to talk about.” Cheyenne wasn’t sure if the talk was code for laying down the law, exacting punishment for the disregard of the law of the land, or really just talking. She knew that Quinn had promised, in essence, to play with her tonight. Piscín was their code word for all things BDSM. That being said, she knew that her husband, being who he was, needed to say and reiterate the rules about her safety. He would try to explain why it was so important to him to have that security in place because he was trying to not only dictate, but also communicate better.

  “Talk-ow or talk-chat?”

  “Honestly? Before the end of the night, it will most likely be both.” He looked into Cheyenne’s eyes and saw the consternation in them. She sat next to him, and he pulled her into his chest.

  “Hey, I’m trying to be honest here. You scared me. This whole thing freaks me out about you being anywhere close to possible danger. Then when trouble comes walking in my door unannounced and uninvited, dragging my wife into it, you have to know it brings out every protective gene that I have and puts them into play.” He paused and held her for a moment before continuing.

  “We have a plan but, Cheyenne, you have to listen to me. I know it’s tough, but you’re going to have to do what I say. I can’t keep you safe if you’re going off doing your own thing. You have to see that.” Quinn pulled back some to put her face into full view and gave her a look that was as much entreating her to understand, as it was demanding she hear him.

  “Quinn, I’m an accountant for heaven sakes. These types of things don’t happen to accountants. I’m supposed to live my life dull as dishwater unless I put some spark into it. The spark is not meant to show up unannounced. You were to bring the excitement that I added to my life, not this.”

  “I know.” He rocked her a little in his arms. “Lord help me that I had hoped that your life would be full of enough adventure that you wouldn’t grow weary or bored living out here. I shouldn’t have worried. O’Connors just can’t get bored with life because as soon as it begins to slow down, somebody throws a fastball into the mix and we’re off again.” That O’Connor hand came up again predictably tousling his short hair.

  “Okay, Quinn, I admit I was pretty freaked out today, more than I thought I could be. More freaked out than when you took me to the Sting for that first punishment for drinking and being in the car with other drinkers. Yes, even more than when you took me for public punishment for showing up at the Sting without you. Up until this week, those were the two freakiest things that ever happened to me—not anymore. Today scared me the most I have ever felt fear in my life. That record has been shattered.”

  Cheyenne could feel the tears threatening, and she worked hard to keep it together, but she was unable to stop a few tears from rolling down her cheek. Quinn, ever her Dom, reached up and wiped them away with the pads of his thumb. His tone became husky and brisk.

  “Okay, piscín, here’s the deal. I’m working swings this month. So what you’re going to need to do is spend the evenings just before it gets dark, at someone else’s house, or one of Liam’s boys, probably Jon or Gideon, will stay with you until I get home, if they are available.” Putting up his hand, he continued, “And before you complain or protest, just don’t waste your breath. It wasn’t just my decision. We all sat down, discussed the possible solutions to you being alone, and decided these two were the best alternatives.”

  Cheyenne took on a pouting stance, crossed her arms, and pulled away from Quinn slightly.

  “I’m a full grown woman. I don’t take chances I don’t need to make. I’m careful about what I do. I know how to watch out for myself. If you say I can’t leave the ranch, just expect me to not listen. And, Quinn, I don’t care if you smack my butt every day. I’m not going to stay home in hiding. I won’t do it because that’s not the way to live your life. You do things safely, but as uninhibited within reasonable boundaries as you can. Reasonable.”

  “Whose reasonable, yours? Cheyenne, that’s how you lived your life before me, before marriage, before somebody was trying to do something to you. If I think for one damn minute that you are not going to follow this safety precaution while I’m gone, I’ll take you to the station with me every night. You want to talk about the lack of control and boring. It would be like sitting in the room with all the O’Connor men and Andrew and Parker every night I work.”

  Cheyenne sat there for a moment and then calmly asked, “Can I go into town and stay with Kelli on the nights she’s just hanging out at home? Then you can grab me on your way home?”

  “My sister is full of her own independence, but I’m equally sure that she was upset by tonight as well and that Parker is probably helping her to see the error of her ways even as we speak.” Cheyenne had overheard part of that discussion. The men thought their sister needed to get the message loud and clear. Parker had said he would handle Kelli and to not worry about the lesson being too lenient.

  “I don’t want everyone mad at Kelli. It was my decision, not hers.”

  “Parker will handle Kelli.”

  “But do I get to go in to see her? I’ll do it your way, but you have to give me freedoms or I promise I won’t listen to any of your precautions and do what I want.”

  “Fine but you have to not put yourself in any more danger. I’ll set it up in the morning. Know, though, if you do go in, you ride in with me and back home with me. You understand?”

  Cheyenne, sparkling with her ability to win back some of the control, immediately agreed. Quinn, satisfied, nodded his head. They talked about Shane going home again in the morning while Cheyenne whipped up some dinner for her husband and some coffee.

  She grabbed a glass and some wine out of the fridge, and Quinn said, “One glass. We’re playing tonight. You need it, and I need it.”

  Dinner was eaten, an update on the plans for Edgewood discussed and then it was time.

  “I’m going to take a shower. I’ll meet you downstairs for some playtime.” Cheyenne agreed, staying downstairs to clear the table and to sneak another glass of wine.

  Somehow, she felt she would need a bit of painkiller tonight. Her husband was needy which meant she was going to have to be his means of gaining control and releasing the fright that something indescribable could have happened to the love of his life. That often ended in her feeling the bite of his leather implements. She couldn’t wait. She needed it too. She ran upstairs to hop into the guest shower. She was so glad that the back stairs from their bedroom over the office, connected to his study and on to the basement.


  Two hours later, sweating and begging for release, Cheyenne was on the spanking horse, specially made for pussy spanking as well as bottom swatting. Sweat was rolling down Quinn’s body in rivulets, a narrow leather strap in his hand, concentrating on giving Cheyenne arousal but also punishment for her part of the evening’s events.

  “Please, Quinn, I need to come,” she sobbed.

  “Six more of my best.” Quinn was about to explode himself. They had already had one round of hot and horny sex to relieve the stress, but they had been at the teasing for nearly an hour now, and neither would be able to hold on much longer. He loved edging with her, but it was time to let go. He had teased her with fire and taken her to what would now be the new limits of her enjoyment.

  “Count them.”

  “Oh, Lord, I don’t know if I can. I’m being honest here, not bratting.”

  “Oh, piscín, if you let go early, I’ll make this bottom so hot sitting will be a distant memory and you won’t get an orgasm for a week. You get me?”

  “Yes, sir, please hear me, though, I mean it.”

  “I know, but you can hold out.”

  The whiz of the strip of leather cut the air as it flew through it. “One, two,” she panted, “that hurt, three, oh, god, I’m not sure I’m going to last. Please don’t do anymore, please Sir. Four, I can’t take any more without flying, sir.”

  “Oh, you can, and you will take two more for me. I’m watching carefully, and I know when you’re at your limit, baby. I love you, piscín.”

  He paused to kiss her sweaty brow, wiping it and his own with a small towel. He bent to kiss her reddened ass scraping his teeth over the sensitive skin.

  “You’re almost there but not quite.” The air whistled.

  “Five. Please, please, please, I’m too close. I’m so sorry I didn’t stay home, Sir. Six!”

  “Cheyenne, catch your breath and then tell me what this discipline was for?”

  The couple each took a moment to bring their breathing back under control. Cheyenne took a deep breath and then let it out as he had taught her to cleanse herself after the intensity of the previous hours. That was Quinn’s signal to come in close and finish the discipline session.

  “Why are you on this bench, young lady, having to hold your orgasm?” his question low, hard, and serious.

  “Because I disregarded your instructions to keep me safe,” she answered breathless with her effort at continued control. She had a love hate relationship with this part of discipline.

  “Tell me what you have learned from all of this.”

  “That my husband is a brute? OW! I’m sorry, sir. I have learned that you are only looking out for my welfare and that if it is for my safety, it doesn’t mean that you are just mean, you are protecting me.”

  “Why, Cheyenne. Why does it matter?”

  It took a moment for Cheyenne to think. “Because you love me and can’t bear to have anything happen to me. I’m sorry for not following your instructions.” The tears he was waiting for were bubbling over now, telling Quinn they were almost done, and he could comfort her and take his wife slow and gentle.

  He was aching to love her but he needed to finish this first, so his voice hardened once again, and while he rubbed and kneaded her sore bottom, which was the sensual part she loved, giving her comfort and igniting the heat at the same time he reinforced his lesson.

  “And what will you remember the next time you want to disobey your husband and dom?”

  Cheyenne moaned in arousal and the sweet, painful ache of his hand on her punished bottom.

  “I will remember tonight, remember it is for my own good, and that you love me.”

  “And is that enough to help you make a better decision?”

  “Oh, God, I hope so.”

  Quinn stifled his chuckle but allowed his grin and slapped her bottom one last time.

  “The answer is, ‘yes sir.’”

  “Yes, sir. I promise to remember tonight, sir.”

  Quinn kissed Cheyenne’s inner thighs as he went down to the floor to untie her feet and moved upwards to untie her hands, telling her to move slowly as he massaged each joint, and muscle. He gave her more water to drink and drank a bottle himself before he stretched his muscles hard and swooped up his woman, walking her to their new basement addition, the bed.

  “Do you want a shower?”

  “Are you joking? I want you, in me. Please? I’m desperate. May I, please release now?”

  “Mmm, as it so happens, I would enjoy playing with you and bringing us both there,”

  Quinn said it with a tone and raised an eyebrow that told Cheyenne that it was his night and if he wanted it to happen, that is what would happen but if he didn’t, it wouldn’t because he was running the show. On a night that he administered discipline, it was all about what he wanted. Besides
, he loved to tease his wife, and she knew it.

  “Sorry, sir, only if you want it, sir. But please don’t spank me anymore because I’m too sore.” Her whine was prevalent.

  “Brat. You didn’t even try to hide that manipulation, did you?’

  “Can you please just love me?” Her exhaustion and frustration near her limits now.

  “To the end of forever, mhuirnín, to the end of forever.”


  Across the way in Elk Ridge, a less intense but similar punishment scene was playing out. Kelli was naked, across her man’s lap as he lectured and slapped her beautiful pert nether globes.

  “Kelli, how is it that you happen to be in the right place but do the wrong thing?”

  “Ow, Parker, you don’t have to do this. Ow.”

  “You knew that Quinn had erected strict guidelines for Cheyenne…”

  “You’re spanking me too hard.”

  Parker hesitated a second but knew it wasn’t too hard. He kept at it. “You couldn’t just visit her like a good sister…” Four more swats of solid proportions were delivered, and Kelli kicked her legs hitting Parker in the arm, for which she was rewarded with several smacks to her thighs.

  “Stop kicking, little girl, you asked for this.” He continued his spanking. “You had to encourage and then provide the means for her to disobey her husband. Not a thoughtful sister if you ask me.”

  “Please, please, I’m sorry.”

  Parker rested for a moment and waited for the heat of the early spanks to settle in, but before he could continue, Kelli put her proverbial foot in her mouth and sealed her fate.

  “Quinn is just over protective. If I didn’t get Cheyenne out of there, you don’t know that whoever trashed the office wouldn’t have gone after her. Ow, Ow.” Parker let loose a flurry of hard and fast slaps on her bottom and then he made a decision.

  “Okay, I’m taking this belt off.”

  “I’m sorry. Okay, okay, you’re right. I’m sorry. Please don’t use your belt. I’ll apologize to Cheyenne and Quinn. Please, I’m already sore.”

  “I thought I would hear some remorse for being an instrument of disobedience. Risking your sister’s safety and yours,” said Parker as he rolled her forward to unbuckle and pull his belt out of his pant loops. The tale-tell swishing sure brought a familiar dread from her childhood. Parker had never used his belt. He was an occasional hand swatter but tonight must have scared him.